2025: January on film

Last year I started a somewhat ambitious (for me) series on my youtube where I would share film photos taken each month mixed together with video. By the time May hit, I had fallen behind my self-imposed schedule and just never caught up, becoming interested in other projects instead. Shock horror.

I still continued capturing video though, and fully intend to do something with it eventually. But who knows if that will ever happen.

Anyway, it’s 2025 now and I like photo dumps. So here’s January’s selection of photos shot over 11 rolls of film presented in no particular order.

An icy morning in Gallowhill, Paisley || Hasselblad Xpan + 45 f4 + Ektar (expired)

Road to Glencoe || Hasselblad Xpan + 45 f4 + Fuji C200 (expired)

Let’s face it. January was fucking shit for weather. We had storms. Infinite sog. Barely any light. We managed to go on a couple of road trips though, to appreciate the bleak.

I type this sandwiched between a couple photos of the Glencoe area, my favourite stretch in Scotland and to be honest I could have just shot abstract photos of the fucking floor by mistake on a film loaded backwards somehow and I would have still kept the photos. It’s beautiful up there.

Glencoe || Hasselblad Xpan + 45 f4 + Fuji C200 (expired)

I was sent a mysterious roll of unreleased black and white film to test from Peter at This is How I Roll. All I know is that it’s 64iso and that I had to shoot it. A few photos taken with it are sprinkled throughout this post. I’ll be writing a proper blog about it another day.

Birds at Queen’s Park, Glasgow || Hasselblad Xpan + 45 f4 + unreleased film stock

The Wynfdord towerblocks are now total skeletons. They’re being prepped with explosives now for demolition in March I believe.

I can’t put into words how much I miss my old flat. I’m going to be there to watch it be demolished, and that’s definitely going to fuck with my head.

I visited it a couple of times this month.

The Wyndford, prepped for demolition || Hasselblad Xpan + 45 f4 + Lomography Fine Colour 100 (expired)

The Wyndford || Hasselblad Xpan + 45 f4 + Ilford FP4

The Wyndford || Hasselblad Xpan + 45 f4 + unreleased film stock

The Wyndford || Hasselblad Xpan + 45 f4 + unreleased film stock

The Wyndford || Hasselblad Xpan + 45 f4 + Ilford FP4

I barely post any street photography online now. Though I guess I mean on social media. I blame tiktok cunts. Showering their profiles with engagement baiting subpar work, ready with their simultaneously smooth brained and smug “it’s not against the law!!!!” defence comment as if that trumps all when challenged by people that might think they’re a bit weird.

Let’s be honest though, all street photographers are freaks and weirdos. I just have a particular level of disdain for the exact types you probably know I’m taking about, and some of them need a punch to bring them down a peg or two. It’s contributed to me rethinking my relationship with street photography and how I approach mine. I’m going off on a tangent though so I will write about this another day.

Here’s a couple I like though.

Glasgow || Leica CL + Nokton 35 1.4 MC + Kentmere 400 pushed 2 stops

Fremu, Paisley || Leica CL + Nokton 35 1.4 MC + Kentmere 400 pushed 2 stops

Glasgow || Leica CL + 50 1.1 + Kentmere 400 pushed 2 stops

Stephen at Drury Street, Glasgow || Leica CL + Nokton 35 1.4 MC + Kentmere 400 pushed 2 stops

Just after New Years day we drove to Loch Ard. It’s one of our favourite spots to sit and let the dogs run around.

The temperatures had dropped to -6°C that morning. Didn’t stop Robyn going for a dip though.

Loch Ard || Leica CL + Nokton 35 1.4 MC + Kentmere 400 pushed 2 stops

She fully ducked moments after this photo. Though I’d forgotten that I had used this roll of film prior for a few frames on another camera, and the photos were double exposed into chaos.

Thankfully she wanted to do it anyway, and it wasn’t just for the photo!

Marshall & Robyn, Loch Ard || Hasselblad Xpan + 45 f4 + Ektar (expired)

Loch Ard || Leica CL + Nokton 35 1.4 MC + Kentmere 400 pushed 2 stops

Sands of Morar || Hasselblad Xpan + 45 f4 + Ektar (expired)

We found ourselves at the Silver Sands of Morar.

I shot an expired roll of Ektar.

And Robyn went for a dip.

Davy Diver boat, Sands of Morar || Hasselblad Xpan + 45 f4 + Ektar (expired)

Sands of Morar || Hasselblad Xpan + 45 f4 + Ektar (expired)

Will Robyn ever not get into a body of water at the first available opportunity?

I don’t think so.

Robyn, Sands of Morar || Hasselblad Xpan + 45 f4 + Ektar (expired)

I’m surprised this photo even came out. It was handheld around 1/15th and it was hella windy. Just standing still was a struggle.

Somewhere near the Sands of Morar || Hasselblad Xpan + 45 f4 + Ektar (expired)

Fallen tree from Storm Éowyn, Glasgow || Hasselblad Xpan + 45 f4 + unreleased film stock

I’ve shot a bunch of expired film stocks lately, which is unlike me.

Some have faired better than others.

Expired film really is a crap shoot, if you’re just getting into film I wouldn’t recommend starting with ‘cheap’ expired film because a) it can often be marked up in price because of the ‘look’ that people love, and b) it’s so fucking unpredictable. If you don’t know what you like, and aren’t familiar with certain stocks, you just won’t be able to tell if you’ve fucked up or if it’s the film. Hell, it might already be exposed prior to you using it.

Gallowhill, Paisley || Hasselblad Xpan + 45 f4 + Lomography Fine Colour 100 (expired)

Bunker || Hasselblad Xpan + 45 f4 + Ektar (expired)

Victoria Park, Glasgow || Hasselblad Xpan + 45 f4 + Lomography Fine Colour 100 (expired)

Marshall, Loch Lomond || Hasselblad Xpan + 45 f4 + Ektar (expired)

Paisley || Hasselblad Xpan + 45 f4 + Fuji C200 (expired)

Frozen Pond, Victoria Park || Hasselblad Xpan + 45 f4 + Lomography Fine Colour 100 (expired)

Palestine Graffiti at Celtic Park, Glasgow || Hasselblad Xpan + 45 f4 + Kodak Gold

Glasgow Southside || Hasselblad Xpan + 45 f4 + Kodak Gold

And that concludes January.


All film developed and scanned at Gulabi in Glasgow.

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New Year, New… Aspect Ratio!