New Year, New… Aspect Ratio!
Happy New Year.
First post of the year, with some shots from the Hasselblad Xpan.
Marshall & Robyn. Loch Ard
I’ve not been shooting digital at all lately, so it’s been a slow start this year on the blog front as the lab was closed for a couple weeks over xmas/new year. And fuck me, it’s busy. I’ve only just gotten around to being able to scan my own shit, and I’m 6 rolls through a 12 roll backlog.
Paraglider, Stevenston
I want to keep this brief as I just need to post something to feel like I am functioning again, so I’ll share a couple photos from each roll so far (consider this a minor spoiler alert for any videos which I’ll be sharing in the coming weeks if you’re on my YouTube at all).
Marshall, Robyn, Axl, and Pete. Stevenston Beach
Getting through rolls of film and not being able to see the results for a while has been a weird one. This isn’t even usually an issue, but ‘cause the camera is new to me I’ve been doubting myself while using it. A mixture of is this the camera for me, did I just make a huge mistake, oh my god I hate it, but also look at it, it is beautiful.
Marshall, Robyn, Axl
Well, I’m pleased to say now I’ve seen the photos I don’t hate it. Though getting used to ‘seeing’ in the xpan format is still gonna take me a while.
A couple of quick things I like about it though:
The rangefinder is clear and focusing is smooth. It feels very similar to my Leica.
The cameras light meter is excellent. In fact, I can confirm the only shots it bollocksed up were entirely my fault, as I’d left the shutter at a previously selected speed rather than letting it do its thing in auto. But now I know I can trust it I’ll probably just leave it in auto in all honesty.
Anyway, I’m knackered. Here’s the rest of the photos.
Cuningar Loop, Glasgow
Caravan. Duchess Road, Glasgow
Barrowland Ballroom, Glasgow
Swans. Barshaw Park, Paisley
Hillside at Auch, Bridge of Orchy
Caravan at Loch Tulla Viewpoint, Bridge of Orchy
The end.
All film developed & scanned at Gulabi in Glasgow.
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