2024: Week 48
After my record week of 57.48km my efforts at getting out every day to walk took a turn for the worse and this week I only managed 23.28km. Pathetic.
Can’t lie, this collection of photos span only 2 days. I really did do fuck all.
It’s fine though, I knew right away I was barely going to get anything done. Robyn went back to Scarborough to visit family and took all the dogs with her which left me totally alone in the flat for the first time in… well, ever really.
Instead of doing anything to remotely look after myself, I just ordered takeouts and threw myself at making music. I needed that. The week flew by, but I feel like shit now, and I’m ready to get back to normal and clocked 9km today. So I’m back on it.
Montgomery Ave, Paisley
Montgomery Ave, Paisley
Kilwynet Way, Paisley
Netherhill Way, Paisley
Montgomery Ave, Paisley
Killearn Square, Paisley
Knowe Road, Paisley
Knowe Road, Paisley
Netherhill Road, Paisley
Belmont Road, Paisley
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