A night off... so, Cathouse?

Plans I made last night went tits up so I headed to the casino, made a little money, and then headed to Cathouse for a night out as Stephen was in taking photos.

I also kept running into a bunch of friends that I hadn’t seen in some time, and that's what I love about Cathouse, familiar faces appear everywhere.

The club is daaaark, and I was shooting without a flash. As a result, the focus didn't hit 100% of the time. All photos were at 3200 iso, around 1/60th, shooting wide open at f2 giving my my new xf35mmf2 lens a serious work out.

I've said it before a million times, but the Fuji jpegs are stunning. I feel like this could wind up some tech-snobs, but even with the grain simulation turned off, the noise structure on the jpegs is beautiful.

Anyway, I'm paying the price of two consecutive nights out right now and I need to go clean the vomit out of my sink, and also watch House.


Martyn & Rebecca's Wedding, Whitley Hall Hotel


Back to Hartwood Hospital, with Amber & Des