The comfort of being a drunk party photographer

Since almost the beginning of August I stopped myself drinking anything but water for a solid month. I was curious to see if it'd make me feel any different. I missed tea, a lot (I now have an occasional cup of tea, like once a week maybe?), drinking water was and still is boring, but aside from that it was fine - In fact it's generally done me a ton of good; my moods are more manageable, I'm less irritable, more rational, I don't really mind getting out of bed early, and I don't ache anymore.

The only problem being when I was out, I missed alcohol.

It's easy to think that shooting club nights are just the same night repeated drink after drink, but when they come into their own it's hard to explain, especially to those who don't do it. I can look back at certain photos from different nights and remember entire stories of situations that happened on each particular night.

I feel it coming back and it's familiar and comforting, and I love it. Looking at some of my party photos, especially recently, I'm feeling good about my photos again.

It’s important to surround myself with familiar drunken faces and have a dance once in a while.


Back to Hartwood Hospital, with Amber & Des


Kitty Misfit outdoors