i used to make instant photos of friends who would visit jeffels and myself in our wee flat in glasgow, but we were broke and could barely afford to eat let alone buy expensive film, and so we didn't really take all that many. fast forward a couple of years and i was living alone on a 19th floor flat with a rad view and a tiny balcony to hang out on, so naturally i ended up making photos of people who visted and it wasn't until i'd photographed a few different people i realised i'd picked up where jeffels and me left off.
the balcony was so tiny, any more than two people on it became a squeeze real quick.
i released a limited run of zines of this collection (i have a few left due to the printers sending me excess of what i ordered), so if you want one drop me a message. i continued with this project after the zine was released for a short while, but the pandemic hit which kind of halted the opportunity to have people over for a while. life pressed on, and later during the pandemic me and robyn became partners and decided to live together with our dogs. we have since left the flat behind and moved into our own place just out of the city.
i really like these photos. they aren't great photos on a 'technical' level, but as a collection they document a turning point in my life.
'who's on the balcony?' is a selection of family and friends, musicians, models, and on some occasions actual strangers who reached out after seeing my photos online...
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